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The color wheel proposed by naturalist Moses Harris in 1766 is one of the best diagrams in history. Its characteristics of nonlinearity and circular arrangement allow a visualization of hidden connections between the relationship of colors, materialized in a chromatic circle that structures the theory of color-matter in Europe (thanks to all the studies and theories proposed by Isaac Newton to late 17th century). Its basic postulate starts with how three colors (the primary ones) organize all the other possible colors, as well as their gradations of light. The graphic proposal is surprisingly simple and rich. Harris's chromatic circle is a direct and intuitive way to visualize and understand the theory of modern color, with its sums, ranges and relationships.


The first idea of the Harris color case prototype was to materialize the color arrangement, in this case with pencils, in the way he proposed on his wheel. To do this, we developed a circular wooden object, perforated in the center, which arranges the elements radially thanks to thirty-six small grooves (multiple of three, since they coincide with the original Harris wheel), a difference of the colored boxes standardized, that sort colors linearly, so that their relationships cannot be understood visually or intuitively.


Once we experienced the design, and through its use and practice, we realized how interesting it was specifically that it worked to create other types of orders and color associations. Free and arbitrary taxonomies that allow a classification in ranges or tones, in new families, in other additions or subtractions, in colors under other names, codes, concepts and combinations. The Harris box game opened a way for us to explore color far beyond its theory and cataloging (according to the scientific paradigm), as well as to translate its secrets into freer movements.


On the other hand, the box might require a habit that interests us a lot: the culture of choosing your own colors instead of assuming the ones that are predetermined in a made box. We are used to consume colors based on a predetermined criterion and order, which keep us from being able to choose and combine them according to other concepts. Allowing us to take the colors out of the enclosure of a case, investigate their names and codes, realize that we can choose between more than thirty blues or forty greens or replace them once worn out is a common practice in the field of art, but not in the of Education.


The Harris case is an artifact to create its own taxonomies. Order them, relate them and name them according to particular or collective interests. According to sensitivities, habits, preferences and uses. So vast is the range of game possibilities that, finally, we made the decision that the box be stackable on trays, so that it could grow on floors of various shades, ranges or hazards.

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